Friday, January 16, 2009


Last night I was driving home from a refreshing night out with other moms and the fog was so thick I could barley see to drive. As i drove along I began to think how at times my life seems like fog, sometimes dense, where I can't see where I am going but other times I break through and see so clear (or feel like I do). It brought to my mind a time I was driving through a fog so thick you couldn't see the end of your car.
I was with a friend and my mom on a long trip in a strange place and we couldn't decide if we should just pull over or make it the last 50 miles to our destination. We decided to go on and were praying, "God help us". About that minute a semi got behind us and i pulled over to let it pass then followed it the whole way through. But what was so memorable about this was that when we got through that fog, the taillights we had been following were gone. Vanished. I knew then that God had answered my prayer for help.
Then I thought a little more about my life as the fog, and realized that this little memory could be just that answer to my recent "God help" times. Why do i forget that he can lead me through these rough, foggy times as he has in the past? It makes me recall a scripture I read in Isaiah once, "He gently leads those with young." I remember finding that verse and being awed by the way he leads...gently. So today i need to remember to keep my eye on the tail lights and not to be frightened of the fog.

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